Economic And Moral Effect

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Typically economists do not delve into the essence of various methodologies because primarily they are interested in efficiency and speed of implementation. But the method of integral education is something different: unhurried, the family and home. How is this conflict resolved? Do leaders need to delve into the integral approach?

Answer: No. They want to see good results from introducing this methodology including economic. There will be fewer robberies, theft on the streets, fewer illnesses, and various other public complaints. There will be a calmer atmosphere, more rational consumption, and people settling for much less. And that will adjust the whole situation in the city to the extent that there will be less pressure on public services and everything else.

Moreover, we can calculate what economic effect the integral education will bring. Despite the fact that definitely a cost is associated with it, there will certainly be an economic impact. We can calculate and prove that even without a difficult situation, such as closing the only company giving life to an entire city; it is still worth carrying out educational activities throughout the city. As a result a total budget of the nation would suddenly gain tens of billions of dollars, and this is in addition to improvements in the general well-being of the population and a reduction in mortality, divorces, and everything else!
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” #23, 3/2/12

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