An Infinite Process

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: University studies are usually divided into several stages: first, second, third year, and so on. Should the integral education be also divided into formal stages, like in university?

Answer: By all means because a person has to see the stages he goes through. It spurs and motivates him, and it is absolutely essential.

On the other hand, during the studies we should constantly speak about the fact that everything is based on changes, self-transformation, self improvement, and the convergence between us and nature so that human society will also become integral, equal, and closer in its mutual cooperation, like all of nature. So people should understand that this is actually an infinite process, like life itself.

Eventually, a person begins to feel the infinity, the eternity of all of nature and gets closer to it more and more. He begins to feel that he is peaceful like all of nature and is able to bestow upon it his desires and thoughts because he starts getting in contact with it. This contact is felt in a person very clearly: He sees how he influences the world around him, even at the still level, not to speak of the vegetative and animate ones.

Our role is to reach a state when we as if influence nature by our desires, thoughts, and intentions and bring ourselves to absolute balance, to absolute comfort with the world around us. As strange as it may sound, when a person actually feels himself in harmony with everything that exists, the sensation of life and death disappears.

People have a certain discrepancy in their understanding and awareness of what life is. If we offer them an idea about it, it will gradually sink into them, and they will begin to understand that our movement towards balance with nature provides us with something supernatural, and not just some comfortable existence and a chance to multiply.
From KabTV’s “Foundations of an Integral Society” 2/26/12

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