Life Without Frills

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the meaning of “to enjoy being connected with others”? How can we explain it?

Answer: It is impossible to explain since we do not sense it in our world. To enjoy being connected with others means to reveal the force that exists between us.

Currently it exists in the egoistic form, in its opposite; now I can enjoy being above others, being better than others, that I look positive in their eyes, have their respect, etc. For this I work all my life. Besides the things required for fulfillment of the animate existence, everything else I do is only for the purpose to look great in the eyes of other people and to have their respect and honor.

If not for this pressing necessity of my egoism, I would buy one pair of pajamas and wear it my whole life since it’s the most comfortable. I would wear slippers all my life and would live my life the way that is most comfortable for me without concern about my neighbors. I wouldn’t care about any extras since I wouldn’t be receiving from any attitudes and values from the outside world about jewelry, hairstyles, cars, etc. I would not have any needs except for the corporeal ones.

If we were able to develop just the spiritual needs, leaving only the requirements for our animalistic, physical needs we would pretty quickly achieve the revelation of the next rung of our development, meaning our next level.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of the Integral Society” 2/5/12

Related Material:
Refuse To Pay The Debts Of Egoism
Without Coercions And Limitations
Feeling Each Other

One Comment

  1. I grow tired of the merciless infighting between people, the constant attempts to stand atop one another… it makes me weary… Such pointless behavior is quote dull. Interestingly though, even the unnecessary things like crafts etc become needed as a part of bestowal. To craft such a thing with love of others is no mistake.

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