The Industry Of Integral Creativity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When film or theater directors or musicians, whose entire life is dissolved in their profession, come to the courses of integral upbringing, do we somehow take these individual traits into consideration? Do we unite them, use their knowledge? Or is this not necessary in our courses?

Answer: Together with education and upbringing, we also offer a very serious dissemination and teaching course. Every person studying with us must educate others himself. There is an entire industry of different education methods to do this.

Correction of the world is an enormous factory of development, editing, and creation of new types of media, information, entire layers of new cultures, and so on. For this we need writers, poets, songwriters, and musicians—absolutely everyone.

They start to be in contact with each other, to search for ways to express the feelings they experience during studying. We do not even obligate them to do it. Of course, we have an ability to present them the so-called platform, the stage to perform for us, we welcome them, and so on. But they do it on their own.

Creative people search for a way to express themselves, and they are able to do it. They “smell” each other out, unite, and immediately create music, arts, theater, and other groups. They make different clips, songs, and plays right away. They do this naturally. And we encourage them and then together enjoy their achievements.

I think that this will beget a completely new culture, which will be really needed and paid. At the end, it will fill all the virtual networks, which, hopefully, will soon begin to realize how empty they are. People are no longer capable of tolerating things like soap operas on their screens, and this is why all of it is collapsing.

Question: Do you think there is a place for a soap opera that develops a person’s integrality? If so, what should it be like?

Answer: These can be certain comedy or drama scenes, when a person searches for something, either finds it or not, does a number of scenarios “for” and “against,” discusses, and makes an analysis of whether he likes it or not. Just like in a movie: There is a beginning, a culmination, and the end. If this is a soap opera, then it ends in an incomplete way, and then it continues. These are the laws of the genre.

I think they are created to fully match man’s egoism, when he needs to be teased, attracted, pushed away, inspired, made to relax, and then to feel tension again. All soap opera makers know this.

We also need to use this. Only the topic is different, but human essence basically remains the same for now. However, the materials shown, things advertised, and the main idea of the plot, all of it relates to our subject matter.

Question: Movies and soap operas have a main scene when the hero and the antihero meet and one of them naturally wins. How do you see the main scene from the point of view of integral art?

Answer: The main scene is when a person meets himself, his two opposite characters, and he must make a decision. He either makes this decision on his own, or with the help of a certain group, say his relatives, or through sudden circumstances that take place around him, and they direct him in the right direction. Or maybe he moves in the wrong direction—“to be continued.”
From a “Talk on Integral Education” #11, 12/16/11

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Our Students Are Our Hope

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do you see the implementation of the course of integral upbringing? Should it be studied first in our groups?

Answer: The initial courses of integral education and upbringing already take place. We are about to open a Mutual Gurarantee learning center. I encourage absolutely everyone to participate in it. Those who sign up will be able to become teachers and educators after graduating according to their inclinations. There are people who will tend toward teaching, and there are those who are inclined to educate, create groups, monitor discussions, conversations, etc. These are two directions: They complement each other, but are in parallel.

We would like to see all our students worldwide as educators and teachers because humanity, I hope, will soon realize how much it needs them, and those people will be busy beyond their abilities.
From a “Talk on Integral Education” #14, 12/18/11

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A Mixed Genre Artist

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When starting to teach an integral training course, do I need to keep the image of a scientist or someone else? Or does it depend on an individual?

Answer: You have to be like a mixed genre artist, like an actor who transforms into thousands of different characters. In other words, I can simultaneously joke and touch everyone to tears as I draw examples from science, technology, art, culture, and music. And everyone experiences this together over the hours of our communication.

We “cook” so much together in our common feelings, thoughts, and emotions, ascents and descents, that at the end we turn into a “salad,” and we live it. Every person feels that he begins to sense everyone else against his will and that thoughts and feelings are simply shared: Everyone understands everything.

Comment: The atmosphere in modern schools and universities is such that people are very dry. They choose a style and are unable to go beyond it.

Answer: I also often use this, depending on what I am speaking about. If I want to for the material that I am teaching to be perceived as education instead of upbringing, something like physics of the new world, a new society, then at first I emphasize evolution, successive development of events, and history, using all the scientific data at my disposal. This is the only way for me to make my listeners respect and trust the facts I am giving them. Surely, in this case I behave as a scientist, an authority.

On the other hand, when I begin to speak with them about certain spiritual specifics, I either act as a psychologist or a sympathizer. We constantly switch roles.
From a “Talk on Integral Education” #11, 12/16/11

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Speech – Thought – Action

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe correction that we are supposed to build above the animate level in order to reach the speaking level originates not only from our bodies but also from the human being within us.  However, we still implement the correction process through our bodies, since the body is a “tool” of correction. We relate to each other (both negatively and positively) through speech, thoughts and actions. The necessity to bestow leads us to the attainment of mutual love; it is a process that we all have to go through by all means.

Speech stands for self-persuasion. It can be referred to as inner dialog since a person constantly talks with himself; it can also mean “practical” (outgoing) speech that addresses others and conveys ideas on how and in what direction we should all change.

Thoughts go before speech and actions. First, we have to formulate a thought that stems from our inner calculations, which we obtain from within ourselves as well as from our surroundings, society, and teachers. So, thoughts should be built before anything else; then they have to be transformed into speech. Any kind of oral expression will always remain only “beautiful words” until we enable them with “force” by applying actions.

Actions mean the devoting of every single hour that is not spent satisfying our animate needs to integral education and upbringing, dissemination, and work for the sake of others. Our task is to lead people to at least a decent standard of life, have them live above the poverty line, arrange for just distribution, and make everybody feel that they are not deprived of their rights.

Thus, our thoughts and speech should be aimed towards building a new balanced society in which everyone will live on an integral level and stay within the analog system. As we build ourselves, we allow our thoughts to be influenced by our surroundings; we constantly submit ourselves to a stronger integral environment. After formulating internal thoughts, we implement them though speech, meaning we shape our concepts and informational systems. This is the point when actions come forward. It’s the time when we basically influence others through education, upbringing, and elevating worldwide living standards so that nobody suffers from hunger and affliction.

This is the essence of our work. This is how we approach balance with nature, which is the goal upon which we constantly focus. The equilibrium between us allows us to come to a state of overall balance with all of nature and with its universal laws. As a result, we create a “complete,” perfect system.

Here, our evolution stops: Our development started at the time when life emerged on the face of Earth and at this point it reaches its final equilibrium. It doesn’t mean that everything will be over and the sun will stop shining.  It’s not that we cannot wait several billion more years before it happens. We are talking about the end of correction of a human being: If we achieve balance with nature and reach perfect harmony, we won’t experience any pressure from nature any more, and our lives will become perfect.

Let’s hope that we’ll closely approach such a state within our sensations and that we will and by all means be able to prepare our children and grandchildren to attain this state. It’s within our power to do so.
From Kab TV’s “A New Life” Episode 11, 1/9/12 

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