The Soul Develops Faster In “Civilized Conditions”

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If our whole path is already predetermined and can’t be shortened, does it mean that I can’t change anything and that all I can do is just go with the flow?

Answer: It’s impossible to skip degrees and to miss some states of your development. However, you can hasten your development by applying your own effort. Time represents the speed with which your states change.

If you’re in a group and you attract greater reforming Light, then in each given moment you can perceive, attain, understand, and react to new states. You can go through these states a lot faster because you’re building an environment that helps you sense these states correctly.

If you are not doing this, then it will take a long time for you to start feeling, understanding, and reacting to your states. After all, you must experience each state, but without this inclusion you won’t have the vessel for revealing the Creator.

As a result of applying effort and trying to build an environment that will allow you to reveal your states, you hasten time and speed up your development. It’s similar to the way we help ourselves study in this world by putting on reading glasses, by turning the light on, by using computers, printers, and various video and audio devices: All of this is done for the purpose of better absorbing information about the world and developing faster.

Just compare this to the life of some primitive nations versus nations that have access to knowledge and information that allow them to quickly advance and build various supportive devices.

This also applies to spiritual development. We build a group; we study, listen to the teacher’s advice, and create a proper environment. All of this is done so that we could more quickly analyze the states that pass through us. Therein lies the purpose of our work.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/12, “Study of the Ten Sefirot

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