My Country Is My Family

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can we achieve unity in such a diverse world?

Answer: There must be a new principle here: unity above all the differences. We are not trying to correct the differences among us or to delve into details of different streams, different parties, or any differences. There can be many peoples and cultures in one state, and that shouldn’t disturb us. European history, for example, is full of wars, hate, and mutual claims that go centuries back. But above all the differences and the conflicts, we open an umbrella of unity. We know that we are all different, and we work on a very high level.

It should be a systematic approach, on the level of a national plan: We cut down the edges from above and from below and gradually reach a fair and equal distribution of resources. Even if it happens two hundred years from now—it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the process has begun. First we must raise all the poor above the poverty line. Let’s take care of this.

Education is necessary here. If we begin to save nationwide just as we save at home, we won’t need more than that. It will be enough to raise everyone above poverty. As for the economic resources there are very interesting data: For example 17% of the food produced is discarded while still in the original packages.

So it is all about attitude: If we provide a general “umbrella, then there will be some order. We must only change our attitude: The nation is the family. In the family I save, I worry, I keep, support, concede…this is how we should live on a national level, but without isolation and parasites, without waste and protectionism. Everyone is equal, and everyone connects to the common line.

Question: Can this connection start in Israel?

Answer: Not only can it start here, it must.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/12, “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

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