Not One Link Is Redundant

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Do I have to constantly worry about the world’s spiritual advancement or should I keep my mind on the group?

Answer: This is the order:

1. I work with the friends;
2. By the love of friends I organize the group;
3. With the group I disseminate;
4. Through dissemination, which helps the masses come closer to the Creator, I please Him.

The group in itself doesn’t please Him; the mass dissemination, which opens up the path to Him for everyone, does. It’s not important that they are distant and don’t understand yet to where this path is leading—if the masses come closer to the Creator at least a little, it brings Him contentment. And that’s the main point.

If you bring a small part of His message to Indonesia or Polynesia, it pleases Him. It is the same way the guest pleases the Host by partaking of the meal the Host has prepared for him.

So, let’s get things right:

First, our goal is to reach adhesion. Adhesion is equivalence of form, bestowal on my part, just like bestowal coming from the Creator. I must reach bestowal, and then I will reach adhesion with the Creator. Bestowal means bringing contentment to Him.

Second, He is pleased when thanks to me, the huge desire to receive that He has created approaches adhesion. My bestowal upon the world has to bring all of it closer to the Creator. How? Through circulation.

Third, in order to do that I must first join a group so that I will have a means, a “commando.” When I have a group, I can disseminate. So it follows that I enter the group and with its help bestow upon the world, circulate, help people come closer to the Creator, and thus please Him. Not one link in the chain is redundant.

In the past, circulation wasn’t part of the chain. One used to sit in a group of Kabbalists, and they would attain the Creator directly. But today it’s impossible because the whole world needs to reach the Creator. In the past, in previous generations, Kabbalists only prepared themselves as a means to advance the world, and now all the efforts are aimed at helping the world. There is no other choice, and Baal HaSulam says this in many places: at the end of “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” the article “The Messiah’s Horn,” and others.

Question: Is the concern about the world a natural result of our work in the group? Or do we have to increase the importance of what we are doing for humanity?

Answer: I—the world—the Creator. We are connected, and I cannot distinguish one from the other. Adhesion means that we are all connected, no matter to what extent. That main thing is that we are together, and I cannot distinguish between the group, the world, and myself.  I simply cannot because if I do, I won’t feel this, won’t reach the revelation, and won’t fulfill the goal. These links don’t exist separately, although today, in our unconscious state, they seem separate.


Not One Link Is Redundant

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/2011, Writings of Rabash

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One Comment

  1. Gravity, the curvature of spacetime, and mass are one according to Einstein. It seems that he picked up on mapping/reflection into the corporeal world.

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