Don’t Wake The Sleeping Lion Yet

Dr. Michael LaitmanAfter the convention we are in a vague state, as if in a fog, but this is good. This is the way it is supposed to be. After a heavy lunch you become fat, awkward, and cannot move.

It’s the same after the convention: You have filled your “stomach” with all of the wonderful fillings that were there, and now you gradually begin to digest them. For this reason you have slightly relaxed. It’s like an animal that having eaten his fill is now sleepy, laying, and waiting for the food to be absorbed by the body.

You’ll see how you return to your normal state after a week or two. No state should be neglected. They need to be studied from the side. Now you are in such a state when you don’t care about anything: neither the friends, nor the teacher, nor Kabbalah, nor the whole world in general. You don’t want anything, only to sleep, and you cannot and do not want to come out of this hibernation, willfully submitting to this flow.

Yet, don’t resist and at first try to study this state, like a research scientist. Now you are indifferent to everything and want nothing but to enjoy your idleness. You feel that you are a complete zero with the fog both in the heart and head, as if half-asleep.

So study this state well and very seriously in order to clearly understand: Why you are in it, what the Creator wants from you this way, and what is the benefit of such states? First of all, study the state, do not annul it. Afterwards, you will understand how to proceed further on.

These are inevitable states. It’s like a lion that caught its prey, has filled himself, and is now resting. That is, after receiving the fulfillment, you need time in order to digest it. There is a long period that is required to put all of the systems back in order. However, you must keep this whole process under control and not try to cross it out immediately.

Don’t be afraid that you’ll never wake up again. We’ll help you. You only need to constantly check your state, not even fighting it, but only to account for where you are. Don’t eat yourself up for being such an insensible animal, but simply look at yourself from the side, at your state. This is enough.

If a person starts to eat himself up, it’s not good. This doesn’t help or correct! After all, in the end, he begins to justify himself, comforting himself by the fact that he does not agree with such a state. Here, the protective force of egoism begins to function. However, if you look as an unbiased scientist at your animal body that is now sleeping, like a full lion, then you see the kind of a process you that are going through. And the awakening will come.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/2011, TES

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One Comment

  1. Wow, you have described my state exactly, you are truly amazing.

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