All Faces Are Familiar

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (From BBC): “There are on average 3.74 degrees of separation between any one Facebook user and another, a study suggests.

“The number of degrees represents the number of people in a friendship chain, excluding the people at either end. Or, as the authors put it: ‘When considering another person in the world, a friend of your friend knows a friend of their friend.'”

My Comment: This tells us not just about our interconnectedness, but also about a mutual influence on each other, a mutual dependency, a subconscious exchange of thoughts and desires. And if I don’t take that into consideration, my negative attitude toward others comes back to me multiplied many times….

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One Comment

  1. Behold, for this is the beginning and the end of all things. The connections are forming, the baby is growing, the elders convene, the strings tied together. The sinews stitched, the voices harmonized. Broken glass reforming, matter merging, cells linked via network. Life is growing, feel it’s heartbeat, it’s breath, it’s lucid consciousness and it’s blissful slumber. Who are we? We are who!

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