So Is History Real Or Not?

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur perception is very limited. We cannot understand what our history is and what the Torah tells us when it describes the enslavement in Egypt and the Exodus.

But what is history? Now I feel that I exist in some reality, and I divide this reality into the present and in relation to it, the past, and the future. The perception of the past, the present, and the future is my feeling at the moment. Now, as I live and feel that I exist somewhere in space, impressions are revealed in me, which I divide according to time, place, and motion.

In this case, what is history? Is it memories, informational records of previous states, or a certain perception of the actual reality, called “the past?” It’s very hard to explain that to a person. So I constantly withhold some information, like in a conversation with children who ask intelligent and serious questions, but cannot understand the answer yet.

I don’t want it to seem like mysticism, but there is no “history,” there is no past. Our perception occurs solely due to the informational records (Reshimot). And there is no past in the Reshimo, but only the present. All the Partzufim that seem to come out sequentially, one after the other, like the “historical development” of the world that took place “before we were created” are nothing but our sensation in relation to ourselves.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/9/2011, Writings of Rabash

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