Salt In Order To Sweeten

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can we preserve all that we have attained in the Arava convention? How can we pass this force onward?

Answer: In two weeks, we will begin the great convention, and we have to be very anxious about its results. It isn’t just another event, although it is great and impressive. We are proud that we have the ability to hold such complex events in which guests from all over the world take part. This is wonderful, of course, but now we should worry about something that is totally different.

When we went to the desert, we had one worry. We wanted to connect and find a new force in the connection between us: the vessel for the revelation of the Creator. Actually, we have achieved a great result. Each of us at least has tasted the meaning of “unity,” and each of us has a Reshimo, an impression of what he has experienced.

Now, the question is how to preserve these impressions. How do we reinforce them in the next couple of weeks above all the disturbances?

Everything is awakened by means of an opposite force. A friend of ours who has a fig orchard in the Arava told me that they water the trees with salty water. Why do they use salty water, not fresh water? It is because it makes the fruit sweeter. It is as if it urges the fruit to overcome and to ripen.

This is how nature’s universal law is revealed: Spiritual development is realized only by means of opposing forces. This is why we give children different exercises. We want to develop a certain attribute in a child, so we give him the right exercise. We “add salt”: We place him in some difficult situation so that he will overcome the obstacle and learn something from it.

Now, in the coming two weeks, you should watch out for, identify, and overcome the disturbances, while keeping the impressions from the Arava convention so that it won’t just be a spark, but the entire picture of your reality. Every new interruption will enable you to rise to another level. Every step will make you “sweeter,” and we will “taste” you in the convention.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/21/2011, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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