Conscious Participation Is Necessary

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the intention behind the recent posts on your blog that seemingly use a division between Israel and “American Jews” as one of the founding bases of building a national and world unity movement?

This isn’t to suggest that we should ignore history, but to expand the lessons we draw from it. Rather than simply judging and condemning American Jews for their place in history, perhaps we can clarify the role that class, history, and struggle played in producing the existing institutional forms of the American Jewish left and develop the potentials that can be corrected and contribute fruitfully to connection, unification, integration, and mutuality. In my humble opinion, the current trend of isolating “American Jews” is consequently opening the door to the continued domination of opportunists.

Answer: I agree that we should nevertheless engage everyone, but we have to explain to the American Jews that since recently, they have been inclined towards betrayal of or at least the indifference towards the State of Israel, and this will distance the entire humanity from correction and thereby will cause terrible environmental and financial crises and human suffering—in order to push us towards correction. The American Jews need to participate in it consciously!

Related Material:
Obama’s Plan To Destroy Israel
Once Again About The American Jews…
Could It Be That Pharaoh Was A Jew?

One Comment

  1. Your focus on American Jews vs. Israel has political overtones and seems divisive. Some of your previous postings show a very biased and distorted view of American Jews as well as selective/incomplete history. This seems counter to what you teach about Kabbalah. Aren’t we supposed to connect with everyone and see ourselves as part of a whole, not pit one against the other?

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