The Simple Truth Of Today

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe must understand one simple fact, that success in the modern world depends upon our proper interconnection. This is revealed to us by the general crisis. The crisis sends us a message: “You want to achieve success in everything you do? But just take a look around: Everything you’ve done up to this day is in a state of crisis. It must be clear to you that from this day forward you cannot succeed in anything you do unless you correspond to a global and integral system.”

This correspondence is called mutual guarantee! You must come to know that being successful and producing something good depends upon your proper inclusion in the global network and that this inclusion is impossible without mutual guarantee. If you can do it, you’ll succeed. If not, you’ll waste time and only make it worse for yourself.

It isn’t difficult to achieve success. Each person can feel what mutual guarantee is, and each person can imagine a proper family that is warm and caring.

Nonetheless, mutual guarantee must be learned. Each person will ultimately have to change their opinion of Kabbalah and understand that it is a higher wisdom, and that he’s engaged in the correction of his soul. We must get rid of the fear associated with Kabbalah and understand that this wisdom is very natural. In it we learn about an active force within human society. We must get to know this force or we simply won’t be able to exist.

Who can argue this fact? After all, we won’t be able to sustain ourselves unless we reveal this force. People think that it’s some “out-of-this-world” science that talks about upper realms. But in reality, nothing is closer to us than Kabbalah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/2/2011, Rabash’s article

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One Comment

  1. Thank you. I think another problem people have today with the concept of Kabbalah is that it is giving or the opposite of how we live our lives today and it doesn’t make sense to give when the goal is to get. What people don’t see is that if you give, you never have to worry about getting. And you’re not tied into the corporeal games that just lead to problems, depression and feeling bad.

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