The Boss Who Doesn’t Pay For The Work

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe science of Kabbalah isn’t a reference book for egoists or a manual for brokers, and it doesn’t teach us how to make business of the new world. When I study the science of Kabbalah, I understand that I must change and that I have no other choice. We have to adapt ourselves to the new system, to enter it consciously and without reservation, to leave everything old behind and cross the Rubicon, the barrier behind which there is a new world.

The method of Kabbalah was revealed and developed by special people called Yashar-El (straight to the Creator). This is how it was revealed to them, this is how they present it to the world, and everyone should know it to some extent.

Therefore, a simple guarantee, an ordinary solidarity, will be useless. Our calls for unification are the first steps toward a genuine guarantee. The more we advance towards mutual guarantee, the more clearly we will discover that we need an internal correction in order to adapt to the new system. We don’t correct nature, and we don’t correct the world—we correct ourselves.

The method of Kabbalah is opposite from what we’ve known so far. So far nature has activated us internally, and we have always fulfilled our growing egotistic desire. This boss totally dominated us, and we used to carry out all his commands faithfully. He was so great that he simply covered all our field of vision and we’ve always thought only about him. We didn’t feel the difference between him and ourselves.

Now, however, a new attitude towards the egotistic nature is being born in us. We are starting to realize to what extent it dominates us, to what extent it destroys us, and to what extent it is a bad boss. This is because we work for him, and we don’t get any payment. On one hand, the rule of egoism turns out to be bad and leads to emptiness. On the other, a new domination is revealed to us, the domination of the desire to bestow….

There are many things that we will have to take care of and to pass on to the world. When we talk to the world, we bring people the Light that Reforms within our words. It makes no difference how much they understand because the Light is already active in the system of our interconnection.

This is why we have to go out to the streets, to work in the social networks, and to produce as many materials as we can. We are not waiting for people to understand us right now; we don’t judge the success of the dissemination by the initial response of the public. Bestowal itself is our reward because it brings people the Light that Reforms.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/22/2011, “The Nation”

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