The New Economic Base

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do you propose to solve the social problems in Israel, practically speaking?

Answer: First of all, we have to sit at a round table and begin the discussion, strictly adhering to the principles of the mutual guarantee. This is the only way we will find the answer to the nation’s demand for social justice.

At the round table, the representatives of various sectors would speak about the given social problems. Then, having considered the picture as a whole, we would begin to evaluate our possibilities, making use of the services of experts and specialists in their various fields.

However, they must adhere to the principle of mutual guarantee. Practical solutions in any professional field must always be proposed by the experts who are also connected to each other by the guarantee. This is because they differ in their opinions and evaluations.

The economy is molded from our egoism, which we do not really understand. Besides, the necessity to rise above it intensifies our ignorance. In the end, even the professionals are confused; we see where they have taken us and what they have done.

In any case, it is clear that if, up until today, everything used to be based on the egoistic desire of the person, then, from this point on, we have to build a different economy based on our common desire of bestowal, which is called the “mutual guarantee.” That is why making decisions and implementing them surely must be built on the principle of the guarantee. This is the main distinction of the new approach.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/22/11, “Arvut

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