The Force That Arises From Opposites

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do we prepare internally before going out to disseminate externally?

Answer: We must aspire to unity above all differences and chasms between us. I perceive certain people as completely antagonistic, others as hating me, and still others as distant in terms of their worldview, beliefs, and sensations. But I put a restriction on all of these feelings; I don’t use any of my negative responses. Instead, I want to build a feeling of connection and unity above it all.

It is written: “Love will cover all sins.” This means that the negative (–), the ego, all the transgressions, are below, and they are covered from above by the positive (+), which is love.

The difference or discrepancy between us creates a force of resistance and the ability to overcome, or to use Kabbalistic terms, the screen and the Reflected Light. It appears from the opposition of the two poles within me.

That is why we don’t eliminate our ego, but cover it with love. The sin remains—now we merely need to use the method of correction and add a screen.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/12/2011, The Zohar

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