Wake Up The Friends Inside Of You

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How should my need for mutual guarantee be expressed?

Answer: By you shaking others up, waking them up, and doing it inside of you rather than with words. Words actually emasculate the meaning. Our entire work is done on the inside rather than the outside. What’s important is the extent to which I try to shake up the friends inside of me so that together we will go towards mutual guarantee.

We do not attain it with our own forces, but demand the revelation of the Creator. After all, mutual guarantee is the force of the Creator that connects us with one another. Alone we cannot extend the threads of connection and perform bestowal to one another. Nothing will work unless the Light becomes revealed between us.

Today we are connected only through hatred. But if the Light will set in between us, we will unite in love and bestowal. Mutual bestowal, where the Creator fills the space of our relationships, is mutual guarantee.

We have to aspire to it even though we cannot attain this on our own. Everything will come through from the darkness if we really desire to reveal mutual guarantee for the sake of the Creator. And “for the Creator” means for the sake of the quality of absolute bestowal.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/26/11, “Arvut

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