Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 07.11.11

Writings of Baal HaSulam “Letter 25”
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The Book of Zohar – Selected, Chapter “Truma (Donation),” “You Shall Make A Table,” Item 485, Lesson 20
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Talmud Eser Sefirot Part 1 Table of Answers for Topics,” Item 55, Lesson 36
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Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 20, Lesson 15
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Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah),” Item 16, Lesson 11
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  1. I’m really happy you had the story of the “cellar for 20 years”, this is exactly how it is for me. I was frustrated with people who were hateful, whom were egoists, but as I looked deeper into the situations and I asked why and what for, I began to see that God had them happen for a reason. That there is this big design behind everything, and it is all connected and it all leads up to me bestowing and getting past the “darkness”. I then saw that all of these seemingly bad things are really for good and that there is nothing bad that happens. I wasn’t begrudging those around me who were happy with corporeal things, because I had those things myself. If anything, I thought that if that was the least of ways they could be truly happy then I wanted them to have these things. However, it wasn’t fullfilling for me in a spiritual way. Asking why God wanted me to be fullfilled in some other way, that these things were not good enough and asking why I suffered from having to deal with hateful people, etc. Helped me a lot. I feel more at peace with things. Although, the goal, is not for my own feeling good. I think it just happens when you see things the right way. In the corporeal world, we’re taught to be selfish. Almost as if it is a virtue. But it is truly a virtue to put others before myself. Thank you so much for your videos and blog. If I hadn’t found this and made an effort all the time, I would be taking a very long spiritual path. I feel very lucky!

  2. “Food” is a metaphor or figure of speech, but not a literal interpretation. It’s meant that finding enjoyment in bestowal and the sensations or internal qualities we obtain that bring us closer to the Creator. Are meant to fullfill us so we can, in turn, give to others.

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