The Nation Possessing Nothing But An Idea

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can genocide against Jews be singled out as a specific phenomenon?

Answer: It isn’t a mere historical event, but rather a natural phenomenon. It is rooted in nature itself. The extinction of other nations during World War II had particularly to do with Germany’s plans to “cleanup” territories and was purposed to solve the problem of the supply of agricultural products. All of this was calculated in advance.

However, the root of the “Jewish problem” is felt instinctively, starting in ancient times up to this day. The nation of Israel is a special people, the keeper of the method of the correction of the world. Hence, when another nation seeks to enforce its system (let’s say, Nazism) and establish its own world order, it instinctively feels that the world has someone who possesses another method which contradicts their own.

“I claim that unity is possible only if our German people unite and submit the world to their order and their might. The entire Earth must belong to us. However, there is another nation that claims to have the method. It has neither real power, nor a country, nor an army, nothing but an idea. This idea has lived in the Jews for millennia; it is set in nature, and there is nothing I can do. But in the meanwhile, my present solution is totally opposite to theirs.”

This has to do with competing ideologies: “I need to not just suppress the Jews, but to wipe them off the face of the earth. Only their total extinction will prove that I am right, which nature itself, the upper force, the Creator, will support. If, however, I let them live, I won’t be able to prove even to myself that my solution to the problem of national and world unity is correct.

Germans wanted to unify their nation, enforce a correct (from their point of view) order, and in this case, they had no foe more odious than the Jews who had a different method of unifying the world. Ideologists can see it naturally. This is what is rooted in the collective desire of the world.

A note in reference to the topic: Julius Streicher, a racial ideologist executed after the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial convicted him of crimes against humanity for his anti-Semitic propaganda and his call for the genocide, during his execution at the bottom of the scaffold, cried out: “Purim-Fest 1946!” (a Jewish holiday of Purim is the celebration of victory over the enemies of the Jews).
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/2/2011 on Holocaust Memorial Day

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