When Purpose Calls

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do I strengthen the group and the bond with the friends if I can only act virtually?

Answer: So what if it is virtually? Distance isn’t an obstacle, and it is absolutely unnecessary to hold hands. Or, do you think that if I am familiar with your face and personality, I know you?

How did you find us? Through the Internet. Do you think it was an accident? In truth, your desires connected you with the collective system of Adam, the connection of all parts of the world together. In this system, there are multiple societies or circles according to interests and desires such as science, banking, business, family, and so forth.

Additionally, there is a unique circle connecting those who are seeking the purpose of life and the knowledge of what is worth living for. These individuals are located everywhere geographically and in various circles, but at the same time, without feeling or even being aware of it, they comprise between themselves their own circle, some field of internal, mutual connection.

When purpose starts calling a person from within, he gets in contact with this field, steps out of his circle, and enters this special, other circle. This is how you found us on the Internet.

Now, the new connection continues to grow stronger. We may not have seen or known each other before, but with time, we have a much greater effect on one another. Every day, you are receiving the thoughts and desires of millions of people from around the world who also have started pondering the purpose of creation and, thereby, finding each other.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/4/2010, Writings of Rabash

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