There Shouldn’t Be Any Descents!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: After the WE! Convention how can we maintain ourselves in the same state that we achieved there, since usually a descent always comes afterward?

Answer: We cannot allow ourselves to get into a descent, similar to how a mother cannot say she is sick when she has a baby in her arms. There are situations in life where necessity eclipses everything. Only if the mother is on her death-bed should someone else take care of her baby.

Likewise, in our case we do not have time to take a break, to engage in idle talk, or to get into descents. The world around us is developing very quickly and we are falling behind, but we are obligated to walk along at its rate.

More and more we are starting to feel just how much all of the bad things happening in the world are connected to us because we are falling behind with our correction. Therefore, I don’t even allow myself to have thoughts about a descent after the convention. This is impossible!

Besides, until the summer we will still go through a row of important events, including conventions in Italy, Spain, and Moscow. We have to unite all together and prepare for them. Therefore, we don’t have any breaks to take since everything is very compressed in time. And that’s a good thing because it corresponds to the speed at which changes are happening in the world.
From the lesson on 3/25/11

Related Material:
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There Should Be No Downfalls!

One Comment

  1. I am very interested in your organisation, and have a few questions which are puzzling me:
    I don’t see anywhere on your website the publishing of Dr Laitman’s credentials as a Kabbalist. Can you please point me in the right direction?
    Where is Dr Laitman’s ordination both as a rabbi and Kabbalist (his Smicha), from his teacher?
    Where is the proof that Dr Laitman’s teacher Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag is the successor of Rav Yehuda Ashlag?
    I look forward to your response.


    Paul G.

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