World Without Hollywood: Fiction Or Reality?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Will the tendency to move toward internal values cause the disappearance of occupations involved in film production, fashion, and so on?

Answer: In any case, our world stands at the threshold of great transformations in regard to all the previously existing values. It will manifest in abandoning the external preferences that used to be meaningful to people until now. Even today, we have witnessed quite a noticeable popularity of casualness in everyday dress codes, and it is for a good reason.

I often participate in global congresses and conferences, and every year I notice a growing tendency for a negligent attitude toward external values. There are fewer restrictions, and the participants are given much more freedom in the form they wish to use for their presentations. People have grown impatient of various ceremonies and everything that would push them into a certain square.

This is a common trend which confirms people’s gravitation toward internal values. They need to know the essence of things, not their external expression. This is how our ego advances us. I am certain that many professions related to fashion and design will eventually vanish.

People’s attitude toward external attributes only emphasizes the growth of their interest in internal values and demonstrates that nothing external attracts them any longer. Hence, we dress and act the way we do, and as for me, I am happy to see this status quo in the world.
From the
Introductory Lecture Series 2/22/2011, “Preference for the Internal Over the External”

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One Comment

  1. The professions that seek to dominate and brainwash and control through art and media will vanish. Yet, everything has it’s corrected form. Fashion, clothing, film, they are art forms, and like anything, if used correctly can inspire and strengthen us towards the goal, and towards love and happiness.

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