Truth Is Unchanging

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe society is the only place where I can realize the act of bestowal. My attitude toward spirituality, toward the Creator, is tested by my attitude toward the society. This is the only way I can evaluate my state with regard to spirituality: Do I want to serve the others or to use them for my own benefit?

The Creator cares about the society since it is precisely the place where He can reveal Himself. It is Malchut of the world of Infinity, Shechina, His favorite child, and this is where He dwells and hides. Everything depends only on the well-being of the environment! The environment, the connection between everybody where each is aspiring to reveal the Creator, is the ultimate goal, the place where the Creator can be revealed to the created beings.

You give the Creator an opportunity to become revealed! This place and the Light that becomes revealed in it, meaning the Creator, have the same value and are inseparable from each other. Hence, as one advances, he realizes that the society in its internal essence is actually the Creator who dwells there (Boreh means "come and see"). We do not reveal anything but the corrected society which is, in fact, called the Creator.

Now we separate the two, but in the final, perfect state it’s impossible to divide anything. The Light and desire merge into one, and it’s impossible to say which is the first and which is the last. For us, all of creation starts from the fact that there is One, a point immersed in the Light. Relative to us, nothing exists before this state.

Kabbalists state that this adhesion, the Light, the force of bestowal, is nevertheless primary relative to the creature, the force of reception. But we are not able to perceive it since we act in terms of "time," meaning cause and result.

However, until we reveal a constant and eternal state, both cause and consequence exist only relative to the changes within us. But in a perfect state, there is no cause or consequence; there are no changes.

Indeed, if there is cause and effect, it means that inner corrections in the creature are still under way, that it hasn’t yet revealed the true state. In the true state, there are no changes already, and it means that there is no difference between the Creator and Creation.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/3/2011, Writings of Rabash

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