The Fertile, Life-Giving Soil

Dr. Michael LaitmanThere is an enormous difference between the broken world of Nekudim and the world of Atzilut which was created to correct the former. The world of Nekudim emerged from unification (Zivug) over the Reshimot (informational genes) “2/1” (Bet/Aleph), and the world of Atzilut over the Reshimot “1/0” (Aleph/Shoresh).

Therefore, the corrections of the world of Atzilut stand no comparison with the flaws existing in the world of Nekudim since Atzilut is a billion times weaker than the world of Nekudim. It was born with the desire force of the “zero” degree, relative to the “first” degree that Nekudim possesses. It is as the still level relative to the vegetative level.

How, then, does a mineral reform a plant? It "swallows" it into itself as if we planted a flower by digging its seedling into the soil. Similarly, the world of Atzilut draws the world of Nekudim close, stores it inside, thereby receiving forces for its growth: first, the vegetative ones, followed by the animate, and finally the human. All of this is due to the fact that it absorbs the forces from the others.

Hence, it is written, “Everything derives from the inanimate, from the earth.” In truth, it is not alive either and is incapable of any growth and development, but since it can contain the vegetative within, its value ascends to the level of the plant that will grow in it. Thus, it is regarded as fertile soil.

Fertile means giving birth to new life. But how can the inanimate beget something new? It can do so solely by helping a plant to sprout.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/27/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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