It Is Impossible To Feel Joy Alone

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why do people experience more joy when they are together? Is there a spiritual root in this?

Answer: Certainly! It is impossible to enjoy alone. We are gradually coming to this conclusion as a result of our development. After all, one Kli is incapable of receiving pleasure; it can only do so if it passes the Light through itself to others.

It is possible to feel pleasure if one passes the Light to another and the Light does not remain in any of them. This is similar to Mother-Bina who receives the Light in her upper part (GE) and passes it through her lower part (AHP) to others. This is the only reason the Light of Hochma (Wisdom) exists in her.

If she only has GE, she has no Light of Hochma, but only the Light of Hassadim (Mercy). However, if she has AHP, the “uterus” which allows her to beget and pass the Light to others, only then does she have the Light of Hochma.

It Is Impossible To Feel Joy Alone

Therefore, it is impossible to reveal the Creator if you are not connected with others and do not bestow to them! In this case you do not have the Kli for the revelation of the Creator. He becomes revealed precisely in AHP, in the Light of Hochma, while GE is only the Light of Hassadim.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/2011, Writings of Rabash

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