Irresponsible Freedom

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why do energetic women copy the male forceful approach? Where does this come from?

Answer: Out of having no other way to go, women are forced to solve the problems of life in order to provide themselves with what men do not give them. That is why they are forced to go through the education system and work hard while at the same time taking care of the home and raising children without a husband. As a result, today they are rising higher and higher on the career ladder, occupying newer and newer positions.

All of it is happening because men are running away from responsibility, from the part they have to take upon themselves. Women are accepting modernity’s challenge, but men are not.

Overall, the modern environment conditions us to be free, telling us, “Live however you want, no one can say anything to you.” People do not feel responsibility toward society, their country, their people, or the world. Do anything that comes into your head as long as you don’t kill, steal, or other such things.

However, this is opposite to what Baal HaSulam explains to us: According to the spiritual root, each of us is indebted to society. The calculation is not only with what a person takes, but also how much he fails to give. Each person has to work and contribute his share to society. Each person has to take on the burden of a family, raise children, and so on.

However, in our society it is not considered a transgression if a person does not contribute his share. A transgression is if he took more than what is accepted. In this situation we will continue to suffer until humanity finds itself “at the brink of death,” so to say. And maybe that will help.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/7/11 on Women

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One Comment

  1. Why shouldn’t a woman be educated and able to learn? What is wrong with us being able to work outside of the home? I do not see any thing spiritual in poor widows who have no one to care for them and were never taught to care for themselves. Some men do take care of their wives as you say , one used to live in front of me When he died she had no idea how to make money she was not educated enough to get a decent job so – she lost every thing and now works a low paying job and live in poverty – I am not seeing the correcting light in this at all. I may be missing some thing but restricting women to house and discouraging female education? I have seen the results of this way to many times and uneducated widow usually equal poverty.

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