Instructions For Egoism: Don’t Use It

Dr. Michael LaitmanBefore we all come to the lesson, each of us needs to prepare for it. I prepare to place myself under the influence of the environment now. There are great powers, the Creator’s powers, in my friends, and I wish to be under their influence. Only this can change me.

The environment is like a reactor, a great mechanism, a therapeutic section, or a whole hospital. It changes, heals, and forms me in accordance with the first spiritual degree. This is how I should treat it, like emergency help which I need constantly.

I come again and again in order to receive therapy sessions, and gradually I become cured. I hear more and more, agree more and more, and feel more and more. I see how previously nonexistent foundations are revealed in me, and I become more sensitive to the environment as a whole. I begin to feel special phenomena that come from it, different evidence of the presence of the upper force in it.

Gradually, this seeps into my sensations and then into my mind. New impressions become imprinted in my feelings, and changes in them bring me new thoughts which connect and accumulate into understanding. In this manner, I establish a continuously tighter connection to the upper force which is revealed to me.

This is why one needs to build the right attitude to the environment, especially during the studies. This is the most important thing for a person since, thereby, it is as if he comes to the only healing procedure, performs the only action for correction which can be realized in him and help him conquer the spiritual world. A person "conquers" it by changing himself. Therefore, it is written: "A hero is one who conquers his evil inclination," meaning changes it in accordance with the spiritual desire.

It is not in our power to transcend ourselves without inner changes. This only works somewhat in our world, although later we always see that this does not bring any real, permanent benefit. It happens every time, and then it returns as a boomerang of yet another failure in order for us to learn the simple rule: Any use of egoism is to our detriment.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/28/2011, Writings of Rabash

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