The Teaching Of Exile

Dr. Michael LaitmanA person exists in this world and develops within his desire to receive pleasure. In order to direct this desire toward the development that matches its level, a person receives upbringing.

For thousands of years the people of Israel have been developing in exile. According to the growing egoistic desire, they were taught the Torah as the “teaching of exile.” They were taught to live for their own sake and even against the others.

I want to be above and smarter than others; I need to have more respect from others; I examine myself in relation to others. This is the correct upbringing at the stage when our egoistic desire grows and understands only the language of reception, acquisition of everything dictated by its inner development, the awakening Reshimot (informational genes). This is the upbringing of the people during the period of exile.

Then, a point in the heart awakens in a person and he or she switches to a different upbringing: through the group or one’s neighbor.

The difference is crucial. In the past, a person was looking for a greater profit in the desire to receive. The Torah of the exile period was intended to accelerate the development of egoism, to give it a boost. The Torah was used as religion, meaning as the “deadly poison,” in order to comprehend and realize the principle of  “I created the evil inclination” as fast as possible.

In the end, having realized and exhausted our egoistic desire, we begin to ask the question about the purpose of life. With this fundamental question, with the point in the heart, we come to the group.
From the 1st part part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/2011, Writings of Rabash

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