On The Book Of Zohar And The Sulam Commentary

The Secrets of the Torah in The Book of Zohar Occupy the Level of all 125 Degrees in Completeness

Rashbi and his generation, the authors of The Zohar, were granted all 125 degrees in completeness, even though it was prior to the days of the Messiah. It was said about him and his disciples: “A sage is preferable to a prophet.” Hence, we often find in The Zohar that there will be none like the generation of Rashbi until the generation of the Messiah King. This is why his composition made such a great impact in the world, since the secrets of the Torah in it occupy the level of all 125 degrees.
– Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

The Sulam (Ladder) Commentary is a Complete Interpretation of all the Words of The Zohar

But in our generation we have been rewarded with the Sulam (Ladder) commentary, which is a complete interpretation of all the words of The Zohar. Moreover, not only does it not leave an unclear matter in the whole of The Zohar without interpreting it, but the clarifications are based on a straightforward analysis, which any intermediate student can understand.
– Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

The Sulam Commentary on The Book of Zohar is but a Ladder to Help the Examiner Rise to the Height of the Matters

The depth of wisdom in the holy Book of Zohar is enclosed and caged behind a thousand locks, and our human tongue too poor to provide us with sufficient, reliable expressions to interpret one thing in this book to its end. Also, the interpretation I have made is but a ladder to help the examiner rise to the height of the matters and examine the words of the Book itself.
– Baal HaSulam, “Preface to The Book of Zohar

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One Comment

  1. Moreover, not only does it not leave an unclear matter in the whole of The Zohar without interpreting it, but the clarifications are based on a straightforward analysis, which any intermediate student can understand.
    – Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”

    The Sulam Commentary is anything but ‘straightforward’

    At best, I get a sense of what is being talked about…understand? not really.

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