Kabbalah And The Seven External Sciences

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe science of Kabbalah talks about the spiritual world and the forces operating in nature. These forces influence the matter of our world, creating various images in it, which results in an entire universe with everything filling it: still objects, vegetation, animals, and people. But we see all of this on the screen in the reverse part of our brain, and that is why it seems to us that this is in front of us. That is how we imagine reality.

That is why the science of Kabbalah is separated from this entire false picture, even though this picture is what helps us to attain the depth of creation, its intentions, and the Creator’s character. Yet in essence, the science of Kabbalah teaches us how to go from this external picture to the inner, true state where only two forces remain—the force of the Creator and the force of creation.

Of course, each of them divides into many more parts, particular forces and actions. But in essence it is talking only about forces: the will to receive, the will to enjoy, and what happens between them. This makes up all science.

If a science talks about the interaction of these two fundamental forces, then we have the science of Kabbalah. And if it talks about various results from them on different levels of matter—still, vegetative, animate, and human, then we have the sciences of this world.

Of course, these sciences are true because they give us knowledge about the external behavior through which the action of these two inner forces is expressed. But these sciences are very limited and we can only rely on them within the boundaries of our narrow world.

It turns out that the science of Kabbalah, which explains the two fundamental forces operating in nature, is the basis for all other sciences. And that does not include just the natural sciences that study nature and the external world, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and zoology, but also those belonging to man directly, such as music, dance, and art.

All of this is also part of the “seven fundamental external sciences” because it gives us knowledge about man’s abilities to perceive and sense his world.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/11, “Introduction to the book Panim Meirot uMasbirot”

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  1. On paragraph 3 I believe there’s a mistake. It talks about the two forces and what happens between them but it identifies these two forces as “the will to receive” and the “will to enjoy”. Shouldn’t the first force be the will to bestow?

  2. The article is well written and there is no error in it .This is a brief synthesis of the world around us and the role of man which explores the science of Kabbalah
    also includes two external forces ,” will to enjoy”-it is the same as ‘bestow ‘ only more developed , satisfaction of human desires is the main driving force what is clear from the content of a whole article, but also contains a driving force for man [ ‘ will to receive ” } to seek the truth about himself and the surrounding world “the force of the Creator and the force of creation “may in fact this article was written at a slightly higher level of initiation in the study of Kabbalah but I personally think that in an accessible way explains the main bases of Kabbalah

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