We Can’t Learn From Past Mistakes

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: This is what worries me: Can it be so that ascending in spirituality higher and higher, we will feel such a strong hatred toward each other that we will fall into the state of exile once more, as occurred when the Temple fell? It seems we don’t learn from mistakes of the past, do we?

Answer: Since we keep entering greater egoism, we cannot learn from the past. Always keep this in mind. Baal HaSulam writes that there is a possibility for the third and fourth world wars to occur.

Question cont.: But how can we prevent it?

Answer: Only by spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah so that everybody learns it as necessary. Only then can one stop making tragic mistakes.

Question cont.: Why can’t we learn from the past mistakes? After all, we already fell into exile before.

Answer: Humanity doesn’t learn from the past since time after time, greater desire to enjoy unfolds in it. We can’t learn from the events that used to take place in a lesser desire, just like a grown up can’t learn from a child.

If at a new degree, you have a greater will to receive, greater egoism, you are unable to take a lesser ego into account, the one you used to have yesterday or the day before. It can’t serve you as a model that would oblige you to treat life accordingly. It simply can’t! It’s because the current, much greater ego is telling you: “Tear this world into pieces! Do whatever you please!”
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/4/2011, “The Study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Kabbalah From Abraham To The present Day
Waking Up In A New Dimension
How To Break Through Egoism’s Armor

The World Into Which Humanity Is Being Born

Dr. Michael LaitmanMy first profession was cybernetics. I discovered this science about integral systems for the first time thirty years ago when I tried to learn about how the human body works. Even then I understood that it is impossible to study the heart separately, or the kidneys, liver, or brain by themselves because everything is interconnected into one system. However, we are unable to study this in the form of a single system.

Everyone understands this problem, but no one is able to build the appropriate examples, formulas, schemes, graphs, and diagrams in order to connect all of the functioning into one. Back then I could not understand why this is so. I only saw that it is impossible.

Only when I completed all of my other searches and came to the science of Kabbalah did I receive an answer. The entire problem is that we ourselves are not this way. We are all egoists in our mind, sensation, and desire, and that is why we cannot build and research global systems, which are built upon bestowal. After all, we always aspire in the direction of ourselves, and not from within ourselves to the outside.

Let us hope that by attaining this science, we will learn to study the new world that is being revealed in our day. As children we spent 15-20 years studying in order to become acquainted with the world into which we were born. Likewise, today it is worthwhile to spend some time attaining this new world in which all of humanity is being born today. Everyone will benefit from this.

We are trying to realize these laws in our organization, among our two million students across the whole world, including in families, the upbringing of children, and everything else. I very much hope that you will also meet them. This regards everything, starting from the personal, family life between husband and wife and their children, through the scope of an entire nation, up until the whole world.
From my lecture in Paris on 2/1/11

Related Material:
Waking Up In A New Dimension
What Does Kabbalah Give To A Person?
Where Does A Human Begin?

Tied By The Single Network

Dr. Michael LaitmanPreviously, we used to teach ourselves and our children how to live in the old world based on all the experience we have accumulated over the course of our entire history. But today, all this experience is worth nothing. Day to day, month to month, we will be seeing more proof to that and will find ourselves in a completely foreign world.

We won’t understand what is suddenly happening with this world, one day in one place, next day in another. After all, now the world is unfolding for us as a coherent, analog system instead of a discrete, binary one. It is no longer comprised of isolated parts, each of which has certain freedom of action.

The property of an analog system is a total interconnection, from the initial point to the final one, in all its states. It is similar to a living organism, where nothing can be replaced without interfering with and changing the functioning of the other parts. If we, being in such a delicate, subordinate state, can’t feel what system we ended up in, we are doomed. Therefore, every person has to study the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Previously, we used to teach our children how to live in this egoistic world. But it won’t help them today. We must give children and adults alike, everyone who is going to continue living on this earth, the knowledge about the world that has suddenly dropped on our head.

In the past, the system of the upper governance was descending on us so that it would give each of us a certain degree of freedom. Today, however, the system of forces that is coming down on us puts everyone in his or her place, leaving no freedom to the latter. If a person is moving, he or she is impacting the whole system.

Everyone who starts to deflect disturbs the entire system and that is why it acts so unpredictably today. This is precisely what is going to be revealed to us more and more in the most horrific form.

A few days ago, I had a meeting with the General Secretary of UNESCO who understood it very quickly and asked: “So, in your opinion, education has to be global as well, doesn’t it?” meaning it has to involve the entire system. The solution to the problem lies namely in this: We must educate children and adults alike how to live in the new world where we have suddenly found ourselves.

People neither understand it nor feel it so far; they accept it with difficulty. Although the consequences are clearly evident to all, man doesn’t see what he doesn’t wish to. In the end, pain will force him to open his eyes. But we need to spread this knowledge before the blows come, in order to reduce suffering to a minimum.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/4/2011, “The Study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Looking At The Same “Window” Together
The Future Of Our Children
The Crisis Changes Education

Maturing To The Title Of “Human”

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf we start advancing the right way and become integrally connected with one another and with all parts of the universe, then we will start understanding the world on a new level. We will ascend above this tiny world that we now perceive in our ego, where each person perceives individually, and we will begin revealing a new world—one that is eternal and perfect. We will feel it on a level called “Human,” instead of perceiving the world only on the animate level through our bodies.

I will begin perceiving myself on the level of the integral existence, connected with everyone by a single consciousness, one thought, common thinking, one desire and sensation. Then I will perceive everything happening to my animate body as a level beneath myself and my new consciousness.

Now, while existing on the level of the animate body, I do not feel pain from things taking place on the still or animate levels, such as when cutting my hair and nails. Likewise, when I ascend to the human level and enter the common, global level of thought, desire, and awareness, I won’t feel how this animate body lives or dies because I will perceive myself in a higher dimension.

We are now at the transition between these two levels and it is not simple at all. Yet, the more we begin to gain awareness of it, focusing our vision on the true world in which we already exist, the easier it will be for us to perform this transition from our present state to a higher, global, integral level in order to make it quick and simple.

Then we won’t have to go through problems, blows, suffering, cataclysms, and revolutions that have already begun happening, but will advance by a gentle, wonderful path ahead of time, before the cataclysm takes place. We will do it by making corrections in human society.

We can gain all of this by studying the science of Kabbalah, which is intended to help us rise from this egoistic, individualistic world into the integral world. Let us hope that we will be able to do this. This is essentially the purpose of the science of Kabbalah.
From my lecture in Paris on 2/1/11

Related Material:
Waking Up In A New Dimension
The Path Of War Versus Good Cooperation
Who Is The Human Within Us?

Waking Up In A New Dimension

Dr. Michael LaitmanHumanity still doesn’t understand what is happening. It is gradually starting to see the arising problems, but still doesn’t perceive them as problems of another level that require a completely new solution.

We are trying to solve them by the old methods which we used before, even though we don’t succeed at it. However, we still don’t even suspect that a problem of a completely different nature is surfacing here. The science of Kabbalah explains that we are having such a difficult time because we are egoists and cannot understand that the emerging problems are global and integral. We are trying to solve this global, integral problem with the previous means—by trying to a pinpoint a discrete target without correcting the entire system as a whole.

That is why the transition to the new world where we will have to live as one global, integral system is not simple at all. It is possible that we will have to go through many revolutions and even world wars until people realize that they already exist in a new world.

That is why the science of Kabbalah is being revealed in our time, because its purpose is to explain to us how to live in this new world. It will enable us to find out how to arrange upbringing and education, family life, work, the world, the home, and our health—meaning to correct the entirety of our life in this world.

But the most important thing that it has to do is to explain to us is that by virtue of this new method and new world that is being revealed to us, we ascend to a different level of existence. We are no longer living in a world where every person does what he wants, but are ascending to a new level and entering a new dimension.
From my lecture in Paris on 2/1/11

Related Material:
The World Into Which Humanity Is Being Born
Maturing To The Title Of “Human”
The Transition To The Global World

Looking At The Same "Window" Together

Dr. Michael LaitmanUntil recently we have been developing in our egoism under the influence of the informational genes (Reshimot)everyone on his own. Now we are beginning to develop under the influence of common Reshimot—all together. And we can see that the entire world is connected like one single system.

In the past everyone could open his own “window” (like on the computer) where he was building his life without any connection with the rest of people, and he was able to do whatever he wanted. But today it does not work this way. And the problem is that we are unaware of the connection between us and everyone’s place in the common system where he or she is connected with everybody else.

It is a tragedy that we are now facing the system which is becoming revealed to us as a unified, global network, while we do not fit it and do not know what to do with it. After all, internally, every one of us still has remained an individual egoist who wants to act as he wishes.

However, a completely different system already acts upon us. The previous epoch has ended, and a new time has come. The new forces have started influencing us, which work with all of us together.

Therefore, we have no other choice but to study this common, integral system. We have to learn its structure, how it acts upon us, and how we should adjust ourselves to it. We simply cannot survive without such a study. This is why everyone is obliged to study Kabbalah.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/4/2011, “The Study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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Tied By The Single Network
The Transition To The Global World
The Common Problem Of Seven Billion People

The Transition To The Global World

Dr. Michael LaitmanAfter millennia of concealment, the science of Kabbalah is only now beginning to be revealed. We see how in our modern world everything changes so quickly that it is impossible to keep up. But the problem isn’t even the rate of development, but rather the fact that a completely different, qualitative development has begun.

In the past we developed inside our egoistic desire which constantly grew, becoming greater and greater, and it was clear to us that the future would hold the same things as before, only on a bigger scale. Now, however, we have made our way into a situation where development is not simply multiplying and accelerating, but is becoming global.

In the past every part of the system developed independently, and that is why we somehow coped with each of the parts. Yet development in the common, global system where all the parts are interconnected takes place absolutely differently. And because of our nature we are unable to cope with these problems since we are egoists and individualists inside. We do not have a global approach and perception. Therefore, we are unable to work with the integral system.

These two kinds of systems also exist in technology: numeric/discreet and analog. The difference between them is vast. In the beginning of my professional life I studied various systems in the human body and saw how much they differ. One part of the system works discretely and closed inside, but afterward when all the parts unite together, they work integrally by an analog principle.

We know how to research and create analog systems. This is the principle by which all of our devices are structured and systems are built. But we are unable to cope with integral systems. We do not understand them because their beginning and end are connected into one, and such a system does not work sequentially from beginning to end, but all of it operates simultaneously.

To supplement all other existing sciences that study isolated, discrete systems, the science of Kabbalah works with global, integral systems. That is exactly why it is being revealed now in order for us to find out how we can survive in this global world that is being revealed to us.
From my lecture in Paris on 2/1/11

Related Material:
Waking Up In A New Dimension
Maturing To The Title Of “Human”
The World Into Which Humanity Is Being Born

Descending By The Order, Ascending By Personal Choice

Dr. Michael LaitmanRabash, Shlavei HaSulam (Steps of the Ladder), Article “There Is No Blessing Upon That Which Is Counted in the Work”: For example, a person brings a jacket to the laundry to have the spots removed from it. He says to the laundry owner: “I have counted for you how many corrections you have to perform so that I know how much to pay you.”

We exist in a perfect state, and we have to reveal it. All the stages that we undergo are the stages of the revelation of the existing state, if only not for us. It is disclosed to us step by step.

It all depends on the receiver: to what extent a person prepares and rushes himself. How much the environment is willing to help and support him is also completely up to him. The Creator brings a person to the right environment and says: “This is for you, take it!” Now it is solely up to the person whether he will accept what is offered and in what way.

Hence, “counting the corrections” is also completely in our hands. Everything is determined by the attitude: We must comply with the stages that make our path, each of which is necessary.

From Above, from the world of Infinity, there comes abundance of vessels and Lights by way of the descending of the worlds, Partzufim, and Sefirot. As the means of preparation, the breakings and other various processes occur as well. And as soon as this preparation is complete, we must ascend in the same way, only now from below upward, passing through the same stages, living through the same Reshimot (informational genes), yet moving ahead of them with our desire. That is the only difference.

The Creator broke the integral picture into parts, and now, among these parts, we have to seek out desires, aspirations, and goals, to make preferences and establish values. It is as if we are assembling a construction kit, parts of which have different form, properties, are painted in different colors, and get locked in a different manner.

And all of this is preceded by our desire that we can arrange solely with the help of the group. In the meantime, we don’t really feel our dependence on it that much since, basically, we don’t feel how we advance and can’t calculate the speed, count spiritual degrees, or measure the pace of advancement. Hence, we are not really in a hurry to find the ways to expedite our development.

In each state, we are passive: “If I am already here, I will wait for it to pass.” And it does pass thanks to various actions, even if they are not exactly aimed at our development. But the process is slow and requires many supplementary moves.

When we do reach the correct analysis, however, we discover that every state is mandatory, and no state can be ignored. Everything is for the best; everything clarifies the truth, but the energy, the desire, or impulse is up to us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/2011, Writings of Rabash

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An Eternal Desire
A Personal Approach

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 02.07.11

Writings of Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam, “What Does It Mean that You Have Seen My Back and Not My Face in the Work”
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The Book of Zohar — Introduction: “Torah and Prayer,”  Item 180, Lesson 1
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Talmud Eser Sefirot 3, Part 8, Item 68, Lesson 40
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Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Lesson 6
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