Coming Out Of The Fog Into The Light And Kindness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why do they say that the Creator is concealed? Aren’t His actions manifested in every part of the Universe?

Answer: The revelation of the Creator implies that I feel the upper force, its cause, the entire network of acting forces, the way this network operates, and the results of its influence. I attain the entire totality of creation in the infinite dimension.

The only question is to what degree I attain it. I can either be without glasses, or I can wear the reading glasses, or distant vision glasses. Everything depends on the level of my perception.

The attainment of the spiritual world means that this reality becomes transparent for me, and through it I see the entire system of forces, which operates in the whole world. I understand the reasons behind the forces which act and move everyone of us and also why we react in a certain way.

I can observe this process from different angles: time, motion, place, life cycles of souls, from the beginning of creation to its end. A person reveals all of this. However, in the beginning, he sees this picture very vaguely, then increasingly more clearly until it becomes completely transparent for him.

At that point, you change your attitude to what is happening. You understand that your neighbors or anybody else cannot be blamed for your problems. It becomes clear to you that the entire universe is governed by a single law: the general law of nature called the Creator.
From the Introductory Lecture “Why the Creator is Hidden” 12/14/2010

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