The Universal Law Of Nature

Dr. Michael LaitmanMost people understand that only one force acts in the world; let’s call it the force of Nature. They give it different names: one force or one God. However, it isn’t some person but the law, the universal equation of all of nature that Einstein was looking for in order to connect all other laws and equations acting on all levels of existence into one.

Kabbalah found such universal equation eons ago: On one side of it, there is the Light (Y), on the other, the will to receive (X), and in the middle, function (F) that mutually connects, equalizes them: an anti-egoistic screen. This is the formula, and it is very simple!

Our desire is “multiplied” by the screen and gets equalized with the Light that we, to the extent of our following this formula, are able to accept. There is nothing else, except these three components!

But the Light is a constant value; it doesn’t change. Meanwhile, desire constantly changes; however, it happens irrespective of us. Our job is to keep maintaining the screen: the balance between the Light and desire.

It is the only equation that exists in nature. All other laws derive from it: the laws of chemistry, physics (at the still level of desire), botany and biology (at the vegetative level), zoology and medicine (at the animate level), psychology (at the level of human perception), and, finally, the laws of the speaking level (at the level of upper worlds).

Everything is governed by one and the same simple equation. It’s a shame Einstein is not here today; he would finally put his mind to rest. But, truth be told, he was moving in the right direction by trying to connect light (life) with mass (matter, desire).
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/13/10, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress”

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