Taste The Spiritual World Today

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt is impossible to imagine how we would live if we saw ourselves as mere animals. However, humanity has religion (faith) which helps it to curb its egoism somewhat. All these belief systems are based on one idea: the existence of life after death.

But the wisdom of Kabbalah thinks otherwise. It states that there is a state called “death,” in which we exist presently, and there is a different state called “life.”

If so, then it follows that I exist in this world only once, and nothing remains after I die? But what can come back? What do you have that can be brought back? The body dies and loses the force that forced it to move, like an engine that worked before and suddenly stopped. Where did this force go? Do you think that it returned somewhere Above, to “its original place?” No, the molecules just stopped working. Was there anything spiritual in them?

How is it that we suddenly have such fantasies? Yet, the whole world lives with this belief. At least, there is some consolation that there will be something after death as well.

Then, why do Kabbalistic books state that if we don’t correct ourselves during this lifetime, we will return to this world again and continue to reincarnate this way? This is really so; we just need to figure out what this means.

In Kabbalah, faith is attainment. It means seeing and feeling the spiritual world, as it is written: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” I “sample” Him with all my senses in such a way that I feel Him in “all fibers of by body.” This isn’t faith; it is the most real sensation that can possibly be.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/10, “Body and Soul”

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One Comment

  1. But what happens with the Point in the Heart? Do we lose it if we don’t develop it, and thus don’t gain a soul of our own? What someone is today would only be the sum of the experiences his ancestors accumulated from generation to generation and how these affected their genes and DNA? No such thing as Karma then? Couldn’t corrections also be brought in a corporeal way so as to awake someone to spirituality? No such thing as reincarnation into a poor guy for someone who has spent his previous life exploiting the misery of others, for instance?

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