An Ark For The Group

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is a “flood” for the group?

Answer: If the group as a whole is unable to overcome its increasing desire, if the friends reach hatred and cannot overcome it, it means they are drowning in the waters of the flood.

When they sense the approaching flood and the forces that overcome them (Gevurot), they must put forth mutual efforts to build an Ark, meaning to express mutual bestowal in order to be saved from every person’s individual egoism and the common hatred. That is exactly how the authors of The Book of Zohar sat down to study, feeling hatred for one another, and then revealed love.

Everything depends on whether or not the friends use the Torah as it was intended, whether they build the Ark, the common Kli of mutual bestowal, unity, and mutual guarantee in which they will be saved from the flood.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/29/10, Writings of Rabash

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One Comment

  1. Dear Rav,

    I have heard some friends in the Learning Center say that when you don’t feel you can get to the proper intention, perhaps you shouldn’t even come to the lesson. This doesn’t seem like the advice of Arvut., to tell the friends to not come to the lesson. And according to the way you have explained the way the group of Rabbi Shimon worked, if we only come to the lesson when we are able to perceive that we are working correctly, then when would we come to the lesson, since Kabbalists working toward the goal are often revealing the hatred, and every degree brings new challenges and all is actually Good? Is there a circumstance in which a friend should not come to the lesson?

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