Invitation to The Bride’s Chamber

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why is it said that in order to get corrected, broken souls have to rise to the World of Atzilut if at first we have to go through all the worlds of BYA, step by step, starting with Malchut de Malchut of the World of Assiya?

Where am I: in Malchut of the World of Atzilut or some place in the worlds of Assiya, Yetzira, and Beria? If the Land of Israel is located in the World of Yetzira, whereas the most sacred place of the Temple that only the High Priest can enter is located in the World of Beria, how can I possibly be higher than him?

Answer: When I ask for correction, I rise together with a point in my heart to Malchut of the World of Atzilut, an assembly of souls of Israel. Our correction happens in Malchut of the World of Atzilut; it is our homeland, our Keter. Anything lower than the worlds of BYA is, in fact, dispersal of Malchut, her nine lower Sefirot.

All the worlds, Partzufim, and souls that are lower than the Parsa (beneath the borderline of the World of Atzilut) belong to Malchut de Atzilut. In other words, in order to get corrected, I have to rise there and connect with Malchut of the World of Atzilut. But where does the correction of me and my soul happen?

The common soul of Adam HaRishon is present in the worlds of BYA (starting with its “head” in GAR de Beria until the “feet” of the World of Assiya). If I raise my soul into Malchut de Atzilut and ask for correction, I receive the Light that Reforms from Above (it descends to me from the World of Infinity through all the worlds and is “meant” specifically for me). With this Light, I correct the connection between Zeir Anpin and Malchut of the World of Atzilut, which relates to me. Thus, I correct the broken connection between Malchut and Zeir Anpin (Shechina and the Creator).

I am representing the “bride’s friends” that support the Torah, which The Book of Zohar describes in the chapter called “The Night of the Bride.” I help her connect with the “Groom” and, therefore, I am called “a son of the bridal chamber.” By doing so, I correct my soul since Zeir Anpin and Malchut got separated only because of me, so that I would re-unite them and thus assemble all pieces back together.

When I re-establish the first connection between Malchut and Zeir Anpin, I correct my first spiritual level, Malchut de Malchut of the World of Assiya (see Baal HaSulam’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar ”). The second time that I manage to reconnect Malchut with Zeir Anpin, I correct my Yesod de Malchut de Assiya, and so on. Each time I support Malchut and thereby elicit her union with Zeir Anpin. This is how I correct my soul.

In other words, we always raise our request (MAN) to Shechina, meaning to Malchut of the World of Atzilut. But our correction and revival happens in the worlds of BYA since Adam HaRishon was born in the worlds of BYA and doesn’t sense anything outside of them; these worlds are his environment. He rises and falls together with them.

Since I want to please the Creator, my intention raises to Malchut de Atzilut. Because I do so, I get corrected in the worlds of BYA, within my environment.

Let’s hope to rise to the level at which we, like a High Priest, enter the “Holy of the Holies,” meaning Bina of the World of Beria. This is how I raise Zivug ZON (Zeir Anpin and Nukva) to AVI (Aba ve Ima).

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One Comment

  1. You said that we cannot correct Malchut de Malchut until Gmar Tikkun i previous lectures. So how can the following statement be correct-“When I re-establish the first connection between Malchut and Zeir Anpin, I correct my first spiritual level, Malchut de Malchut of the World of Assiya (see Baal HaSulam’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar ”).” Is it Malchut de Malchut de Malchut that cannot be corrected until Gmar Tikkun?

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