There Is No Perfection Without Jealousy

Dr. Laitman with StudentsThe Zohar, Chapter “VeYechi (And Jacob Lived),” Item 733: “Jealousy is as harsh as the netherworld.” Any person who loves, and jealousy is not tied to it, his love is not love, since jealousy completes the love.

In the Kabbalisitic group, jealousy is expressed in my constant thinking about the others: Are they holding the correct intention? During the reading of The Book of Zohar, my only concern is Arvut (mutual guarantee).

I am very worried whether my friends remain in the same thoughts and intentions as I do and whether we nourish our Arvut together. If not, my efforts will be fruitless since everything gets revealed to me due to the collective effort of the group, in the connection between us. This connection is built by our common concern about each other.

Therefore, right now I am taking care of the network that connects us so that it wouldn’t break but will grow and mature. It is my chief concern. The Book of Zohar will bring me the desired revelation only if we establish the connection between us, and it is there that The Zohar will become revealed. We lack only a connecting network and nothing but that.

This network is what we concern ourselves with while reading The Book of Zohar, and it is regarded as nurturing Arvut (mutual guarantee).
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/12/10, The Zohar

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