The Zone Of Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: For what should we ask the Creator?

Answer: There can only be one request: for the Light that Reforms, the force. I cannot change myself. The entire humanity is gradually becoming desperate trying to do it. It is becoming clear that in the end, we only get more confused even in the systems that we have built ourselves.

It is true that we must reach despair in our work. It is not easy. Baal HaSulam writes that there is no happier moment in a person’s life than the moment when he becomes completely disillusioned in his strength. And then, when he sees that he has no other choice, he turns to the Creator, and the Creator responds because his appeal is absolute.

The Light does not work before there is desire. There are 125 degrees on the way towards it. If I rise to the first degree, if I lack Light even to the smallest extent, then the Light influences me. Thus I enter the zone of Light. On the fifth degree, my need increases, and the Light works accordingly because I became closer to it. Such are the laws in the zone of Light.

So far we exist at the level of this world, we lack demand. As soon as a demand appears, the Light will immediately begin to work since it created the desire and maintains it. Desire can never do anything on its own.

In this case, how can the desire have a need (Hissaron) for the Light? There is a spark of Light in the desire, which was left in it after the breaking of the souls; it awakens you, and draws you towards the Light even though the desire pulls you down.

Nothing is expected of a person before the spark becomes manifested, he is simply being developed egoistically. But once the spark ignites, the Light stops working and gives you the opportunity to ask for it. At this stage you are brought to a place where you can magnify your spark until you begin to desire the Light’s influence.

The Zone of Light
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/1/10, Shamati #38

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