The Goal Of The Study Is To Reveal The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What should a student receive as a result of studying with you: knowledge or a certain attitude toward the study?

Answer: The primary goal is to master the method because the method of Kabbalah differs from all other educational methods. All other ways of study have specific, material criteria by which a person can assess his or her advancement. Whether it’s sports, school, or science, the grades a person receives determine his success.

But the method of studying Kabbalah is different because here a person is preparing to start sensing another world. So how can he check how close he’s come to a world that’s concealed from him? The assessment is performed through the group: to what extent a person feels connected to others, awaits the Creator’s revelation precisely through this unity, and wishes for the whole world to unify? In other words, a person’s degree of solidarity with the Creator’s expectations of him, his proximity to His thoughts and plans determine how close he is to actualizing himself.

The concealment remains in effect until his thoughts, actions, and desires become 1/125 equivalent to those of the Creator. At that moment he will feel Him at the first degree of revelation.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/1/10, Kabbalah Learning Approach

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