Perfection Doesn’t Yield

Dr. Michael LaitmanEverything originates in Infinity, in the initial state, and in order for us to attain full correction, we have to meet all conditions set therein. In the state of Infinity, the will to receive is unyielding; it won’t give up one iota of adhesion, unity, or similarity to the Creator.

In Infinity, there is no end or border, nor a detail that would escape His calculation. That is why it is called Infinity. It is not related to a place (desire), quantity or quality of fulfillment, but lies in the unreserved decision of the created being to adhere to the Creator. Accordingly, spiritual degrees of ascension from our world to Infinity are the “degrees of compromise”: to what extent the created being is still refusing to perform a precise calculation for equivalence.

In the initial stage of his work, man looks at everything through the prism of his personal benefit. That is his nature; he was created this way. This period is lengthy and eventually leads to desperation. Likewise, during its entire history, humanity underwent twists and turns of hard life while it chased pleasure, until a line of disappointments has reached critical mass. Having learned from painful experiences, meaning having tasted their bitter outcome, we quit the race because we neither believe that it will bring us satisfaction nor feel it.

Thus, we begin gradually to despise egoistic fulfillment for its bitter effect. Out of despair, we make a new calculation: In altruism, we will experience fulfillment. This is how, affected by the Light, the chain of Reshimot (spiritual genes, reminiscences), which had emerged in the very beginning of our descent from Infinity, gets realized.

Two lines come into play: the direct line from Above downward and the inverse line from below upward. Now, instead of self gratification, a person makes calculations based on his involvement in bestowal. As a result, his reward changes also. It is experienced not in the receiving desires, but in the bestowing ones.

But what is the difference? After all, we are created beings and must feel fulfillment. However, in order to feel it in the same way the Creator does, we have to be equivalent to Him. That is why, from now on, we work on our capacity to receive pleasure from the action itself and not from the final outcome of bestowal.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/4/10, “What is the Help that One Should Ask of the Creator”

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