Gifts From The Convention

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why did you say that participation in the convention gives a person spiritual advancement equal to that of a minimum of a half year’s work?

Answer: The convention is a place where we all fall under the concentrated impact of an exalted spiritual force. Clearly, it affects us greatly. The Light resides there “clothed in the society,” and if I annul myself before this society, I receive their desires (spiritual vessels), enthusiasm, and aspiration to bestow.

Hence, the Light starts affecting me through them, through their vessels. It turns out that I advance by receiving their vessels and the Light.

Let’s hope that everyone will experience this; I am looking forward to it myself! Everyone benefits from it, whether they are a beginner or a Kabbalist with attainment since the Upper Light knows no limits. “The Creator dwells among His people,” and if such a huge mass of people gets together and desires to reveal spirituality, then thanks to their great quantity and despite their small desire, everyone can gain the force of life!
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/18/10, “The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence”

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Kabbalah Moments: “Convention Preparation – Adventure”

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