Everyone Gets To Know The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is there a difference between studying The Book of Zohar at the congress with the masses and studying it in our group at the morning lessons? What is more important, quality or quantity?

Answer: Quantity doesn’t demean quality. Within a mass of people, there always are those who can unite to a greater or lesser degree, and there are those who can’t unite at all or who forget about it. In either case, quantity has its advantage, as it is written: “I dwell among my people.”

At this point, we are not talking about some special group of people, meaning those who are bright, determined, capable of inner work, and well trained. The Creator dwells within the entire nation, not just in some small group of special characters that He Himself advanced and brought together into the tip of the pyramid. Regardless, He still says that He dwells among the masses.

The Upper Governance cares most of all about the still level (in humanity), less about the vegetative one, less so about the animate, and the least about the speaking level. The weaker the created being, the less free will it has, the less autonomously it can work for the correction of creation (according to the Plan of Creation and the common system), the more the Upper Governance gets clothed in it, and this is a sign of revelation of Godliness (Elokut).

In other words, we are not talking about revelation of the Creator in some exalted souls such as Rashbi and all the great Kabbalists. The revelation of the Creator is measured with regard to society, not individuals. Therefore, we should not neglect large quantity but value it. The power of the masses lies in quantity, not some individual characters that have personally attained spirituality and perform personal spiritual work.

It is the common work which matters the most because by doing it, we allow the Light to be revealed and attain the revelation of the Creator. As to the personal, special work of some individuals, our group, or several groups, it is necessary solely in order to connect to this huge mass (several million people into billions of them) and through us, bring to it the spirit of life.

Therefore, the aim, intention, and goal are namely the society and the people. Hence, we need to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah in the masses.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/10, The Zohar

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  1. This is great!

    Remember, heights are illusions, everyone is above a lot, and below a lot too. Where does that place one to?

    Every level depends on the one above it, and gives to the one below it (ideally)

    So no one should ever feel too small or too big, because SIZE IS RELATIVE, and every one experiences all relative states simultaneously here in this world now.

    Don’t give up, give down

  2. The Upper Governance cares most of all about the still level (in humanity), less about the vegetative one, less so about the animate, and the least about the speaking level. The weaker the created being, the less free will it has, the less autonomously it can work for the correction of creation (according to the Plan of Creation and the common system), the more the Upper Governance gets clothed in it, and this is a sign of revelation of Godliness (Elokut).

    is it like First you ask the dervishes “what you can do for me?”and then to doctors and then to engineers and then for the last you ask the tiny parts of the matter within everything..only then it is complete?

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