Coming Out Of The Illusion

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can I tell whether I am reading The Zohar with the right intention?

Answer: You have to think about the conditions of revealing the Creator. The condition is equivalence of form, which means that inside of my desire to enjoy I will reveal the desire to bestow, the intention of bestowal, or an aspiration for bestowal.

I am waiting for my inner program to change from reception to bestowal so that I will start perceiving the different forms of bestowal that are coming to me. And this is the only thing I want.

Right now I am in an ocean of spiritual information, but I cannot perceive any of it. I lack the program to perceive it. However, if I aspire to it and desire to acquire it, then I advance and come closer to understanding it.

Everything I read in The Book of Zohar are actions of bestowal that take place in reality. This is the only existing reality, whereas our material reality exists only in our subconscious. It’s an illusion that we presently exist in.

The true reality is above this subconscious level, this imaginary reality, and it operates according to bestowal. Reception inside the desire does not even exist other than in our "dream."

Therefore, I desire to ascend above my sensations to the true reality.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/10, The Zohar

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