To Rise Above All Fears

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Fear for our lives in this world arises in us instinctively; it’s beyond our control. How do I obtain the same dreadful fear that I may not attain bestowal?

Answer: We are not helpless in the face of fear of this world. When a person embarks on the spiritual journey, he receives such odd fears that he starts to realize that fear isn’t real; it’s a game.

A person feels that this fear is projected on him from Above as if with a beam, and his only choice is to rise above it by “faith above reason” in bestowal. If he exists in bestowal, there is nothing to fear. He can simply close his eyes to all fears that come solely to force him to rise above caring only for the self and to teach us to live in aspiration for bestowal.

As opposed to some instinctive animate fear, a person perceives this state consciously. He sees that it’s coming to him from the Light that Reforms, and he is aware that his sensations are projected to him from the Source whose purpose is to advance him. Then, he understands that nothing happens without a reason and these fears have a purpose.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/17/10, “The Matter of Fear and Happiness”

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