Kabbalists On The Essence Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah, Part 24

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about passages from the great Kabbalists. I promise to answer them. The commentaries in brackets are mine.

The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy

Where philosophy [egoistic narrow-minded thought limited by human intellect] ends, the wisdom of Kabbalah begins. This means that philosophers’ research only extends to the level of circles [to which their egoism, limited by the intention “for the sake of themselves,” allows them to rise], and they know nothing higher than that. Their knowledge is [even] lower than these circles [that they sense through their egoistic sensations and investigate with their brain], yet the majority of them are very confused [since they are unable to see the whole picture of the universe, its causes and consequences] and admit to this fact.

The wisdom of Kabbalah starts where their “wisdom” [limited by their egoism] ends, meaning from the level of circles [of human attainment] and on.
– Rabbi Nahman from Breslav, Sichot Moaran, 225

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: A Question of Life And Death
Laitman.com Post: Philosophy’s Attempts Discover Reality
Laitman.com Post: Use Your Profession In Philosophy To Explain Kabbalah


  1. Perhaps the marriage of mind and heart is best, instead of either trying to rule the other…

  2. First – I’m Christian so I believe that Jeshua is the Messiah. But my interest in Kabbalah is to enhance bring about my relationship with Yahweh. Will this really help me in my quest? That is my battle within at the moment – am I on the right track? Will this path along with my Christian studies, help me to truly forget myself and once and for all FOCUS on the One and Only God? Please help me with this dilemma?

    Thank you.

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