Describing The Wisdom Of Kabbalah

Dr. Michael LaitmanHow can we explain Kabbalah to people?

1. First and foremost, Kabbalah must be set apart from all the other so-called “spiritual” methodologies, philosophies, mysticisms, magic, and so forth.

2. We must develop a clear and concise explanation as to the essence and purpose of the wisdom of Kabbalah, and how it can help us solve all of our problems which all stem from one root, our imbalance with nature.

We know from physics and physiology that the law of equilibrium is life’s most crucial law. Life itself depends upon it and therefore it must be observed. If we manage to come up with an explanation that’s both simple and close to the heart, the people of today are ready to listen.

We’re not offering people a science, but a remedy to get rid of their problems. This suits all people from all walks of life because we walk together with nature and its laws, which are applicable to all.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains how to achieve balance, or in other words, connection with the Creator, which is the same thing. It tells us how to actualize our lives within this law of equilibrium and equivalence of form.

The rule “love thy friend as thyself” denotes a completely corrected and natural connection with the environment. If I unite with the environment into a single whole, then I won’t feel any problems or misfortunes because I will be perfect and eternal as is all of nature!

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From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/10/10, A Lesson On Current Events

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