When You Open The Zohar And The Zohar Opens To You

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What should someone who is just beginning to study the wisdom of Kabbalah do when he is sitting in front of The Book of Zohar absolutely clueless about what is written in it?

Should he keep trying to hold intention for the entire 45 minutes of the lesson? It is so frustrating to sit in front of such an incredible book and get nothing out of it. What am I to do?

Answer: The only thing I need to get out of The Zohar is the force of bestowal, nothing else. If I have a minimal force of bestowal, I will start sensing The Zohar, my involvement with it, and the flow of text in it. I will start feeling how precious this book is to me. Gradually, through my reactions to its words, I will start feeling what it is talking about.

But all of this follows my desire above myself for the force of bestowal and my desire for an open heart. Only with such intentions should we open The Zohar. When you step “out of yourself” (out of your egoism), that is when The Zohar enters you.

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/19/10, The Zohar

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The First Contact With Spirituality
Unlocking The Zohar: “Sensing The Zohar”
5 Minutes Of Light: “The Zohar, An Entrance To Spirituality”

One Comment

  1. I would like to add that one has to be “yearning” to understand the Zohar, that is one has to put in grit determination to understand, I am guilty pf plagueing the living day light out of my virtual friends to from various terms and expressions in the lessons, every day I’m on emaul and facebook dicussing daily lessons with my dear friends this has been going on since we first started the Zohar studies way back in november, back then I could only understand perhaps about 5 or 10%, but now i can comprehend and understand about 20 to 30% and thats through persistance and shear determination in hard studies, I think it is important to press home to new students that their heart and soul must be in the studies otherwise there is this impression that they need not understand the text but only need to read blindly in order to draw the light of reform, or worse still, they might just go out and purchase the Zohar written in Hebrew and do a scanning act to draw some magic light, heavens forbid! Love Light and Unity patrick

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