Kabbalists On The Purpose Of Creation, Part 21

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about these passages from the great Kabbalists. I promise to answer them. The commentaries in brackets are mine.

The Creator’s Guidance Is Purposeful

His guidance over the reality that He has created is in the form of purposeful Guidance, without taking into consideration the order of the phases of development [determined by the initial and final states], for they deceive us and prevent us from understanding their purpose, being always opposite to their final shape. [By constantly challenging us with new tasks, the Creator teaches us, like children, how to become similar to Him.]

It is about such matters that we say, “There is none so wise as the experienced.” Only one who is experienced has the opportunity to examine Creation in all its phases of development, all the way through completion, and can calm things down, so as to not fear those spoilt images that the Creation undergoes in the phases of its development, but believe in its fine and pure end.
– Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose

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