Kabbalists On The Purpose Of Creation, Part 15

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about these passages from the great Kabbalists. I promise to answer them. Commentaries in brackets are mine.

Why Is The Creator Concealed From Man?

The reason for the concealment of the face [the concealment of the Creator] from the people has been explained: It is deliberate, to give people room for labor, to engage in His work in Torah and Mitzvot [to correct themselves to bestow in order to become similar to Him] out of free choice [by acknowledging that His state is perfect and that He is just]. Because the Creator receives more contentment from their work in His Torah and Mitzvot than from His angels above [the forces of nature], who have no choice and whose work is coerced.
Baal HaSulam, “Introduction To The Study Of The Ten Sefirot,” Item 80

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: How Do We Find Our Point Of Freedom?
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Creator’s Concealment and Revelation”
Kabbalah Moments: "Concealment"

One Comment

  1. If the Creator is concealed on purpose, should we then aim for the revelation of the Creator? When aimed this way, I feel that maybe I am not asking for the right thing – in other sources we are told to aim to want to work in concealment. How can I ever want to remain in this concealed state?

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