Kabbalists On The Essence Of The Wisdom Of Kabbalah, Part 9

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about these passages from the great Kabbalists. I promise to answer them. The commentaries in brackets are mine.

All the Teachings in the World Are Included in the Wisdom of Kabbalah

They have no scientific solution as to how a spiritual object can have any contact with physical atoms to bring them into any kind of motion. All their wisdom did not help them find a bridge on which to cross that wide and deep crevice that spreads between the spiritual entity and the corporeal atom. Thus, science has gained nothing from all these metaphysical methods.

To move a step forward in a scientific manner here, all we need is the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is because all the teachings in the world are included in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

[While Kabbalah explains everything, it is only for the one who is ready to apply it in practice. This is because only when a person transforms his egoistic properties into altruistic ones, can he realize that the entirety of reality exists only subjectively in his perception, and that his properties define it completely. The whole of reality is the perception of his properties in comparison to the properties of the Upper Light.]
– Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom

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